Monday, 9 July 2012

Monroe perform in Quontum dresses at Pop-Revue

Last week, the UK based girl band 'Monroe' wore Quontum dresses when they performed at Pop-Revue hosted by Siobhan Ridguard.
Here are some photos from the night that we wanted to share with you.

All dresses are available to purchase on

Katy, Kelly and KJ (Monroe) during their performance.

Siobhan and Katy (Monroe)

Siobhan in her Quontum Cerise Shine Dress!

Siobhan in her Quontum Nude Mesh/Black Swoosh Dress

Make sure you check out Monroe's music and follow their official Twitter @weare_monroe

Quontum & Lemonade

In our latest photo shoot we used the Nicola Mclean by Love Lemonade heels to pair up wth our Quontum dresses and leggings.

You can purchase the gorgeous Crystal Noire Shoes online here -
